30 The Linguist Vol/56 No/3 2017
Bell, Rosa Civez-Enriquez, James Farmer and
Judith Gabler.
A selection of interesting seminars followed
the AGM and a welcome by Chief Executive
Ann Carlisle. Attracted by the aromatic scents
coming from one of the rooms, I was soon
immersed in the Breathing for Performance
workshop by Gabriela Bocanete. Gabriela's
calm nature created a pleasant atmosphere in
which we tried stress management and
posture exercises designed to help us feel
better under stressful working conditions.
In the second seminar I attended, Alba Sort
emphasised the importance of being actively
Join Jaquelina Guardamagna at a dynamic and informative Members' Day
On 25 March, CIOL members and guests
met in the QEII Centre, surrounded by Big
Ben, Westminster Abbey and the London
Eye, to participate in a day of dynamic and
informative seminars and workshops.
We heard expert presentations on topics
such as marketing, branding, stress
management, professionalism and the
translation of literary prose, and networked
over lunch and coffee breaks with CIOL
managers, academics and other colleagues
from the language world.
The morning started with an overview of
CIOL's activities during 2016 at the Annual
General Meeting. Although most attendees
arrived after the formal meeting, by
combining the AGM with Members' Day
for the first time, the Institute was able to
increase attendance and involvement. At
the meeting, six newly elected Council
members, who volunteer their time to
support colleagues, the Institute and the
language professions, were announced.
Only CIOL members and associates were
entitled to nominate and vote for members
of Council, and I felt honoured to have
been chosen to be part of the Institute's
Governance along with Carina Balbo, Alistair
A day for all