The Linguist

The Linguist 57,3 – June/July 2018

The Linguist is a languages magazine for professional linguists, translators, interpreters, language professionals, language teachers, trainers, students and academics with articles on translation, interpreting, business, government, technology

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30 The Linguist Vol/57 No/3 2018 INSTITUTE MATTERS The student I became a Student Affiliate in 2016 when I started my degree in French and Italian at the University of Warwick. I decided to go to Members' Day after receiving an invitation aimed at students. I came alone and had never done anything of the sort before. I already had an idea that translation was something I might want to do, but it wasn't until Members' Day that my interest grew. Meeting so many professionals from such a wide range of backgrounds and stages of their careers was really encouraging. I came away with a fantastic insight into the world of translation, and much greater knowledge of all the possibilities there are in this industry. One attendee worked in legal interpreting from Italian to English, and I was fascinated to hear about the diverse criminal cases he has worked on, and how his choice of vocabulary can be the difference between a suspect being found guilty or not guilty. Learning about the many roles some linguists carry out alongside Day of our lives Members' Day offers fascinating seminar choices and an inspiring Threlford Lecture, but it can also support linguists in unexpected ways, explain three of this year's attendees translation, such as copywriting, editing and blogging, showed me how you can use your language skills in many different areas. Among the key pearls of wisdom was the need to do as much language practice as possible. During the round table discussion, Nicholas Nicou ACIL highlighted the importance of continually refreshing your skills and knowledge, continuing professional development (CPD) and good practice. I am still in contact with a few of the people I met, mostly those who are starting out with a freelance business, or have been established for a few years. It has been inspiring to hear about their experiences, how they got to where they are today, and how they have made their careers in languages their own. Since the event, I have applied for an internship at a local translation agency and to do some pro bono translations of TED Talks, which were both mentioned to me by people at the event. I have also looked at all the options available to me, and feel that doing an MA in Translation would suit me best. This is something that I wouldn't have known, had I not attended Members' Day. Emma J Latham, Student Affiliate The new member It was my first Members' Day, as I only became a member in July 2017. I didn't really know what to expect, but I hoped for some networking possibilities. Currently, translating is a part-time job for me, as I also teach and do walking tours of Oxford, among other things. In Hungary, most of the projects I worked on were theatre and culture related, as well as certificates. Here in the UK, it is a bit more varied, and I have been asked to translate everything from restaurant menus to legal documents and medical reports. I work in English and Hungarian, and it is often quite challenging to find the right word or expression in this combination, as the languages are very different. Brainstorming and sharing ideas are very important and useful. However, there are few Hungarian- English translators in the UK – or, at least, I don't really know any. At Members' Day, therefore, I was interested to meet the other attendee with my language combination, and she was also looking for me, so that made it easier to find her. Unfortunately, she had to leave right after lunch, so we had only a brief meeting, but we exchanged contact details so we can email each other. It is always nice to meet fellow translators working in the same languages, and it is good to know that there are others 'out there'. I would definitely like to attend the next Members' Day, and I also try to attend the other CIOL events organised for translators and interpreters, as you can always benefit from them. The talks are interesting and it is a remarkable opportunity for networking. Marianna Brazda MCIL

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