The Linguist

The Linguist-63/2-Summer24

The Linguist is a languages magazine for professional linguists, translators, interpreters, language professionals, language teachers, trainers, students and academics with articles on translation, interpreting, business, government, technology

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FEATURES @CIOL_Linguists SUMMER 2024 The Linguist 15 Catholic prayer. I am there providing chuchotage interpretation as calmly as I can. It is a fast-paced environment that does not often allow advance notice to prepare for meetings or appointments, but providers let us know the complexities of a particular situation in advance when they can. I read and do research about medical conditions. I keep my phone handy and sometimes use to find an unknown term or phrase. Science keeps evolving; there are always new medications being approved and there is always something new to learn. The work requires presence, empathy and precision. A misinterpreted word can mean the difference between life and death. The first time I interpreted during a lumbar puncture, the unfamiliar medical tools in the exam room triggered a fight-or-flight response for me. I had to learn to compose myself and Romina Espinosa ALTH Working with a regular group of interpreters can go a long way in bolstering patient trust in the medical team creates opportunities and helps maintain a professional relationship with everyone. IN-PERSON VS. REMOTE As we provide a round-the-clock service, when an in-person interpreter is not available, remote video and phone sessions are offered. Poor connectivity, frozen screens and choppy phone audio can be frustrating for staff, who must continually pause and repeat themselves, or contact the hospital's IT department for help. For patients with aphasia and other cognitive impairments (such as traumatic brain injuries), in-person interpreting is preferable. Practitioners such as Dr Coffey pay special attention to their body language, and use tactile cueing and visual demonstrations. He may modify what he communicates to a patient by emphasising key words and using action prompts. These accommodations can be difficult to convey via a remote medium. In-person interpretation offers an additional element of human connection. When multiple providers discuss in-depth medical information during an end-of-life discussion, for example, we are able to switch from consecutive to simultaneous interpreting to make these delicate conversations flow more smoothly. Physical therapist Theresa Cermack adds, "For patients who may have a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube and are alert, aware and consistently attempting to communicate without sound over their interface, an in- person interpreter can be incredibly valuable in deciphering the patient's needs through lip reading or in conjunction with communication boards that may be custom-created by our speech-language pathologists." Face-to-face sessions allow us to perceive body language that could be missed focus on what was being said. The physician assistant performing the procedure wanted the patient to alert her to any numbness or tingling so she could stop and avoid nerve damage. I had to interpret words like 'numb' (adormecido) and 'tingly' (hormigueo) on the spot – there was no room for error. COPING TOGETHER Medical interpreters maintain boundaries with patients and don't develop personal relationships. This is part of our code of ethics, as outlined by the US National Council on Interpreting in Health Care. Nevertheless, it is difficult to forget patients we have seen so many times when they pass away. We do rounds with the palliative care team, we check in daily with patients who are terminally ill or recovering and ready to be discharged. This is why I've acquired coping skills (e.g. meals with loved ones, physical exercise, time in nature). Debriefing with the medical team after a tough encounter is also a way to heal and not carry pain home. Being in-house enables us to access the free confidential and low-cost mental health resources that UC San Diego Health offers employees. Teamwork is a key component, making us feel supported. Our interpreting department holds weekly huddles and monthly meetings. These are opportunities to discuss any issues or concerns. Our days are long and include back-to-back interpreting sessions. We may serve 4 to 13 patients a day – the time spent with each one primarily depends on the topic (e.g. consent for surgery, clinical trials, therapy or transplant education, quick follow-ups). Most medical staff at outpatient clinics are used to working with interpreters, but in an academic research hospital, doctors are regularly shadowed by medical students who may not be. On one occasion, a new nurse did not understand that she should address the patient directly and told me: "Tell her I am going to take her blood pressure and give her the pain med." Explaining my role as an interpreter on a daily basis can be an exercise in diplomacy, but is necessary in providing high-quality, efficient services. I am a naturally diplomatic person and this strategy has always worked for me as an interpreter. I believe diplomacy © UNSPLASH

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