The Linguist

The Linguist 61_4-August/Sept 2022

The Linguist is a languages magazine for professional linguists, translators, interpreters, language professionals, language teachers, trainers, students and academics with articles on translation, interpreting, business, government, technology

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30 The Linguist Vol/61 No/4 2022 INSTITUTE MATTERS event. This enables members and non- members to come together. As well as the online international conference, we are also exploring the idea of running two specialist in-person events in early 2023. The first of these would be a special one-day event in London for translators, looking at the specific challenges they face in the modern world. It would be an opportunity for professionals to come together to learn from and network with each other. It is likely that we will host the CIOL Awards at this event. The following day, we are looking to host another special one-day event for interpreters, setting aside a full day to focus on this specialist field. This would include a variety of presentations looking at the challenges and opportunities for interpreters in these evolving times. Costs CIOL has always been very conscious about the financial impact of event costs on our members and non-members, and we aim to ensure that the events we run are not only of the highest standard but also enable the A fter the success of CIOL's 2022 conference, and the positive feedback we received, we have already started to plan for 2023. CIOL supports translators, interpreters, educators and wider linguists both in the UK and internationally, and we want to balance how we support all our members wherever they are based. With this in mind, we are considering taking CIOL Conference online again in 2023 to give those people without easy access to the UK the opportunity to take part. The event will cover all aspects of the lives of professional linguists – translators, interpreters, educators and those who use their language skills in a business, public service or other professional environment. We are looking to bring you great 'thought leadership', advice and insights on how other professionals work around the world. Face-to-face events We also know that while providing professional development through our CPD and Events programmes is important, offering opportunities for face-to-face networking matter too, not least at the CIOL Awards An international conference Why CIOL is thinking ahead to Conference 2023 largest number of people to attend. We will make sure the tickets are priced with the current economic situation in mind, as well as giving discounts to linguists who have portfolio careers and wish to attend all three events. Covid We plan to release the proposed dates of these events over the coming months, but we will continue to monitor the incidence rate of Covid-19. Speakers Of course, we couldn't run our events without the speakers who volunteer to share their valuable guidance, opinions and insights with other professionals. If you would like to speak at one of these events, please get in touch with your proposal, letting us know which event you would like to be involved in: AN INSPIRING EVENT Attendees enjoy one of the keynote speeches at CIOL Conference 2022 (left); and network during a break (right) IMAGES © RICHARD WASHBROOKE

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