The Linguist

The Linguist 56,1 – February/March 2017

The Linguist is a languages magazine for professional linguists, translators, interpreters, language professionals, language teachers, trainers, students and academics with articles on translation, interpreting, business, government, technology

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32 The Linguist Vol/56 No/1 2017 INSTITUTE MATTERS A life with languages Rosa-Maria Cives-Enriquez is a language and intercultural awareness trainer. In her native Spanish, she discusses her journey as a professional linguist; for the English version see Desde que tengo memoria, los idiomas han ocupado un lugar en mi vida, dado que me crié en un entorno bilingüe (español e inglés). La mayor inspiración fue una profesora fabulosa – Elena – que encendió, en primaria, mi pasión por la cultura española contemporánea y, también, mis padres los cuales siempre han apoyado mi inmersión en 'todo lo español' con viajes a España cada verano para visitar a la familia. Siempre he querido utilizar mis idiomas para forjar mi carrera y después de graduarme comencé a trabajar como profesora de español en un colegio y en la Universidad. Después de unos años, mi carrera cambió de dirección y comencé a dar clases de español y formación intercultural a empresarios. En London Probation Trust (como consejera de aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional), me dediqué al diseño y despliegue del programa 'Diversidad en acción' orientado a agentes de probatoria. Me encanta el diseño de materias de formación personalizadas y esto a su vez ha resultado en publicaciones y presentaciones en congresos sobre el 'Desarrollo de material didáctico para la enseñanza de los idiomas'. Me entusiasma cumplir con un objetivo, sobretodo cuando está relacionado con la cultura y lengua; desafiante y gratificante a la vez, es el 'reto' de cambiar la mentalidad negativa fija de un individuo a una positiva y aprender un idioma con mayor confianza y disfrute. En mi tiempo libre me gusta mantenerme en forma y divertirme con mi familia y amigos. El Arte es mi segunda pasión, y he tenido el honor de trabajar y exponer mis pinturas junto a un grupo internacional de artistas en Londres y realizamos una donación, con las ventas de obras, a YoungMinds (organización benéfica que se dedica al bienestar emocional de los jóvenes). Escribo poesía contemporánea y tengo una colección de poemas, Crack On, publicada por la editorial Austin Macauley en abril de 2016. Por ello me ofrezco candidata para las elecciones del consejo del CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists). COUNCIL NEWS Karen Stokes, Chair of Council, reports on the most recent meeting The November meeting of Council began with our regular examination of the management accounts for the first month of the financial year against the budget for 2016-17 and the Chartered Institute of Linguists' three-year growth plan. Continuing in the same forward-looking vein, Council expressed its satisfaction at the number of candidates who had put themselves forward for election this year. It hoped that online voting would result in an increase in the number of members exercising their right to vote. We also acknowledged the need for formal induction training for newly elected members and a briefing on recent developments to help them get up to speed quickly. Plans for both are under way for spring 2017. Council agreed a number of amendments and updates to CIOL's Rules, proposed by the Applications and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committees, to be put to the membership at the AGM in March. Ann Carlisle, CEO, reported on a range of matters, including CIOL's external representation at language- related events during the autumn and the call by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages for the government to protect the UK's need for language skills during its Brexit negotiations. While the outcome of those negotiations remains unknown, Council agreed that CIOL should aim to help our members and other language stakeholders navigate what is currently an uncertain environment, and that promoting the learning of foreign languages and the use of professional linguists is as critical as ever. Judith Ridgway, as Chair of the Applications Committee, reported on the issues addressed at its recent strategy meeting and an encouraging level of interest in the pre-professional grades introduced as part of the new membership pathway. All Council committee chairs had responded to the request made in September for formal succession plans, and framework plans are now in place, pending the outcome of the elections in March. Lastly, as part of its governance responsibilities, Council reviewed and approved CIOL's risk, EDI, data protection, environmental and health and safety policies, and received the annual report on employment-related matters from the senior management team.

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