Enhance your career prospects
with the Diploma in Translation
Postgraduate level qualification
• Ofqual accredited, internationally recognised
• Entitles you to:
use DipTrans IoLET after your name
apply for membership of CIOL
• Offered in a wide range of language combinations
The Diploma in Translation (DipTrans) is the gold standard for
anyone wanting a career as a freelance translator or to work
for international corporations worldwide.
Registration open until 31 August 2016
for January 2017 exams
To apply, please visit www.cie.org.uk/makeyourmark
Requirements are:
• Applicants should have teaching
experience and be educated to
degree level.
• Applicants must have a demonstrable
command of their chosen language
or dialect
• Successful applicants will have a
keen eye for detail.
Become an examiner for languages
with Cambridge
Cambridge International Examinations is growing and over 10 000 schools in more than 160 countries are
now part of our Cambridge learning community. To support our continued growth worldwide, we are
expanding and strengthening our examiner network, and inviting teachers to develop their professional
experience by becoming Cambridge examiners.
We are welcoming new examiners across the range of over 45 languages offered within the Cambridge
curriculum but are in particular need of examiners for languages spoken in Europe and Asia, as well as
Indian and Southern African dialects.
a powerful insight into the teaching and
of Cambridge qualifi cations
support in developing your own
professional practice
the highest standards of training and support
• freelance opportunities, based on contracts
for services for each examination series,
which fi t around your existing commitments.