now available online
To download your copy today visit
Did you know that The Linguist is now available to
download from the CIOL website, so you can take a
copy everywhere you go!
The format is phone and tablet friendly, so you can
read it anywhere on your preferred device.
If you prefer to read your copy of The Linguist online,
you can login to MyCIOL at
and choose 'digital'.
30680 HALF pg Linguist Digital ad.indd 1 12/07/2022 10:53
CIOL Mentoring
Find out more at
New video chat feature!
As a benefit of membership, CIOL members
have the opportunity to learn from one
another's knowledge and experience.
A new video chat feature has just been
introduced, so members can arrange and
conduct their remote mentoring meetings
all within the mentoring platform.
30645 HALF pg Linguist Video Chat ad.indd 1 04/05/2022 13:59