SMART goals (i.e. specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant and time-bound) to
establish where you are now and where you
want to be.
Mentoring has not only been a great learning
process, it has also been an interesting and
enriching experience. A good mentoring
relationship is a two-way process through
which you get to pass on knowledge and
give something back to others at the same
time as gaining a different perspective on
your own practices, which can also prompt
you to evaluate those practices.
In an industry where we often work in
isolation, this opportunity to establish contact
with colleagues, and learn from each other in
a structured way, is invaluable. It may even
help to combat loneliness and improve
mental wellbeing in our profession.
On a final note, I would like to thank my
first mentee for her input and patience. I am
sure she will achieve her goals, and hopefully
I have contributed to this. CIOL's new
platform is a great initiative, and I would
encourage anyone able and willing to give
some of their time to consider signing up.
To find out more about the CIOL mentoring
platform, see ciol.org.uk/benefits/mentoring.
To send feedback, email comms@ciol.org.uk.
1 See mentoring.ciol.org.uk/mentor/training/240
2 Webster, V and Webster, M 'The Difference
Between Coaching and Mentoring', Leadership
Thoughts; www.leadershipthoughts.com
In an industry
where we often
work in isolation,
this opportunity
is invaluable
following a career in international
development and economics. As she was in a
situation similar to my own when entering the
profession, I could easily identify with her
challenges and I felt that I had something to
contribute. Furthermore, her previous
experience meant that the time commitment
she required was achievable for me.
Encouraged by this success, I took on a
second mentee – also a very capable
individual, but one who was heading in a
direction of which I have limited knowledge.
My lack of relevant experience to provide
adequate advice and support soon became
evident, and after some discussion we
agreed that a change of mentor would be
the best way forward.
A new platform
Working within the CIOL mentoring framework
is relatively straightforward. It provides clear
steps for how to build a relationship and
maintain momentum, and includes tools such
as SWOT analysis (identifying strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and